Command line uninstall teamviewer 11
Command line uninstall teamviewer 11

command line uninstall teamviewer 11

  • Uninstall the program according to directions provided by the uninstall wizard.
  • Click on the TeamViewer icon in the list of all programs, and then choose “ Remove” (or “ Change/Remove”) option.
  • command line uninstall teamviewer 11

  • Click on Start Menu, then choose Control Panel.
  • To delete TeamViewer from Windows XP, follow these steps:

    command line uninstall teamviewer 11 command line uninstall teamviewer 11

  • Confirm your choice to uninstall TeamViewer, and then follow commands provided by the uninstall wizard.
  • Find the program you want to uninstall ( TeamViewer) and select it.
  • In the Control Panel, find Programs section.
  • In the Run Prompt, type control panel, and hit Enter. You can also open the Control Panel in a different way: press down Windows key+R at the same time.
  • Click on Start menu, then go to Control Panel.
  • Remove TeamViewer on Windows 10/8/7/Vista
  • Put a mark in the checkbox next to a line that says “ Also delete configuration files” and click Uninstall.
  • Here, scroll down until you reach the bottom of this panel.
  • You will see a list of sections with different settings.
  • From a drop-down menu that appears, select Preferences. In the top-left corner of your Mac’s screen, click on TeamViewer title. TeamViewer 9 and newer versions created for Mac OS X can be uninstalled this way.
  • Double-click the “Add/Remove Programs” icon.To uninstall these files, you have to purchase licensed version of Reimage Reimage uninstall software.
  • From the Start Menu, select Settings, and then Control Panel.
  • Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP in Classic View
  • Select the program you wish to remove and click on the “Remove” or “Change/Remove” button.
  • Select the program you wish to remove and right click then select Uninstall/Change.
  • From the Start Menu, select Control Panel.
  • Follow the prompts to finish the uninstallation of the software.
  • Select the TeamViewer program and right click then select Uninstall/Change.
  • Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program link.
  • If at any time, you decide you do not want any of the software or offers that you have downloaded during this process, you can easily uninstall them via Windows’ “Add/Remove Programs” using the following instructions: Windows 8

    Command line uninstall teamviewer 11